Welcome to Meadow Green Primary School... Have a look at our new behaviour policy and find out about the Meadow Green Bees... Coming Soon: Meetings for Parents with new class teachers; Phase Trips and Sports Afternoons; Transition 'class swaps' for children; Year 6 Performance, Residential trip and Leavers events!
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Meadow Green PrimaryA Hive of Industry & Learning

Welcome toMeadow Green PrimaryA Hive of Industry & Learning


Our Curriculum


Here at Meadow Green, our curriculum focuses on developing the core skills of  Reading. Writing and Maths as well as providing enriching learning experiences. In order to achieve our aims, we feel it is essential to have a well planned and structured curriculum based on the programmes of study of the National Curriculum. We believe reading is central to a child's success as a learner and is the key to unlocking the rich opportunities offered through our broad and balanced currciulum. We we want all of our children to develop a love of reading from their early phonics development through to independent fluent readers who can select texts and books to support their learning in other subjects and make choices based upon their enjoyment of a style or author


As our school has a one and a half form admission entry of up to 45 pupils, the school is structured with mixed age classes from Years 1 - 6. Consequently our foundation subjects currciulum runs on a two year cycle. Our extra curricular and enrichment activities include music lessons, sports clubs, theme days, visits to/from external groups and celebratory events.


The cycle of History and Geography topics is shown below. Please click on the relevant phase for more information about the Year group.


 Early Years 




Key Stage 1




Key Stage 2  Year 3/4 



Key Stage 2  Year 5/6





Subjects we teach at Meadow Green and why we teach them

Still image for this video



Children attend swimming lessons whilst in the Year 3/4 phase in both years. Lessons take place at Cocks Moors Woods Leisure Centre, with each class attending for an intensive 10 day block over a fortnight. As a school we follow and work towards the KS2 Water Safety award with the aim that by the end of Year 4 almost all children will have achieved the required standard.  Children currently go in two groups utilising our school minibus. Consequently we do not request parental contributions towards the cost of transporting the children to swimming.


Assessment Arrangements

 At Meadow Green we use FFT Aspire monitoring and assessment system to record children's learning and which informs staff and parents of the specific skills and knowledge that the children need to develop in order to progress. Pupils individual  progress against key learning objectives will be shared termly in order to ensure parents understand how their child is doing and areas where they can support the learning at home.
