In Year 5/6 we have 3 classes:
5M - Miss Fern
5/6G - Miss Barnes
6S - Mr Fry
Key Information:
In their school bag, will need; a water bottle, a packed lunch (if necessary), a coat and their reading record.
Children will be set a piece of English and Maths (usually Mathletics) homework each week. Children should also be using the following and practising regularly at home:
- Times Table Rockstars
- Spellzone
- Reading Plus
This term our focus is
'Industries in Birmingham & The World'
In this topic we will investigate ;
"Why did Birmingham become known as ‘the workshop of the world’?
Children will begin by exploring why the Industrial Revolution was important to Britain. They will explore the impact that canals had on trade and transport in Britain and how this links in with our own local area.
Please look at our topic webs below for further details of our learning through the year.
In Maths we use Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) to help with children's fluency of number.
Please find below examples of the KIRFs we use in Year 5/6, alongside the KIRFs they should know from previous years.