Welcome to Meadow Green Primary School... Coming Soon: Children's Mental Health Week; NSPCC Number Day; Maths workshops for parents; Spring term school trips and residential visits!
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Meadow Green PrimaryA Hive of Industry & Learning

Welcome toMeadow Green PrimaryA Hive of Industry & Learning

Mental Health and Well-being

At Meadow Green, our PSHE curriculum includes learning about Mental Health and emotional well-being, and through annual events like Children's Mental Health Week and Anti-bullying week, we support children to build strategies for resilience and emotional regulation. Our policies, values, curriculum and the wider life of the school all contribute to our children and staff 'being the best they can be' when it comes to mental health as well as in other respects.

Within school, we provide support for children who are having emotional or social difficulties, through our 'ELSA's (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants) Ms Hatton and Mrs Hubbard, who work with both individuals and small groups. Other staff - class teachers, teaching assistants, senior leadership and office staff - also keep an eye out for those children who might need a helping hand (or a listening ear) from time to time. 

However, we are sadly all too aware that children of primary school age can suffer from more challenging mental health difficulties, like anxiety disorders, depression, self-harm or eating disorders. Whilst we will always do our best to help, sometimes we cannot meet needs within school, and in this case we will aim to signpost other services. We also know that it can be difficult to access the right support for young children, with long waiting lists for NHS services like CAMHS, and a lack of options for children under the age of 11 years. In the meantime, please have a look at some of the suggestions below.

Here are some online and phone links to support children and families.
