Welcome to Meadow Green Primary School... Coming Soon: Children's Mental Health Week; NSPCC Number Day; Maths workshops for parents; Spring term school trips and residential visits!
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Meadow Green PrimaryA Hive of Industry & Learning

Welcome toMeadow Green PrimaryA Hive of Industry & Learning


Children of all ages from 3-11 years are welcome at Meadow Green!

We know how big a decision it is when considering a school for your child or children, and thank you for taking the time to find out about our school. One of the best ways to get to know about our warm and welcoming school is to visit us.  As Ofsted themselves  commented in our most  recent Inspection Report: " Pupils are happy to be a part of this welcoming and inclusive school. Pupils enjoy learning and playing together" and 'Children get off to a flying start in the Early Years'. 
Our Year 6 pupils are always wonderful ambassadors of our values and the community ethos that we celebrate here at Meadow Green.  Should you choose to visit on one of our Open Days, then it most likely that they will be your guides.  The majoirty will have started when they were in Nursery and/or Reception, so are uniquely placed to share with you what it will be like for your child should you choose to join us at Meadow Green.

We welcome prospective families to look around the school throughout the school year,  so please do get in touch with the school office to arrange a tour on 01564 823495. 



Online and telephone application information


Meadow Green admits children aged between 3-11 years of age.The number of pupils that may be admitted to a school in the relevant year group is known as the Published Admission Number (PAN).  From September 2024 our  school's PAN is 30 pupils.  Admission into the Foundation Stage occurs at the start of each academic year in the September after a child’s third birthday for admission into  Foundation Stage 1 (Nursery) and the September after their fourth birthday for admission into Foundation Stage 2 (Reception).  We do also offer additional starting sessions in the January and April after a child's third birthday, where there are spaces available within the Nursery Unit.


Please note that admission arrangements for Reception age children is coordinated by Worcestershire Local Authority and as such applications and offers of places are not controlled by the school. Parents of children whose home authority is other than  Worcestershire  should apply through their school admissions service (ie, who you pay council tax to).


All parents and carers must be made aware that a place in the nursery does not guarantee a place in the school and that they must still go through the Worcestershire Children First admissions procedure when the child reaches school age to enter Reception.


    Please click on the link below to order to apply for a Nursery place at Meadow Green Primary

    Pre-school Nursery.


    Parents may apply for admission at the start of term following their third birthday

    if places are available. Please ensure that you indicate this on the form if you are wishing to start outside of the usual September start.


    Nursery Application Click Here


    We look forward to receiving your application form and welcoming you to our school community.


    Apply for 30hrs Free Childcare at Meadow Green Nursery

    Since September 2017, there has been a 30 hours funded entitlement for working parents. 

    Eligibility for the additional free hours is determined by HMRC through the online application and parents must apply every 3 months via the Government's Online Childcare Service

    Parents can apply directly to HMRC here and, if they are eligible, will be issued with a voucher code to give to school – this needs to be done every three months.You will be eligible if both parents are working (or sole parent in a lone parent family) and each parent/carer earns between, on average, a weekly minimum equivalent to 16 hours at national minimum wage and less than £100,000 per year. If you are unsure whether you are entitled to the additional childcare hours,please go to BY CLICKING HERE and follow the instructions to check your eligibility.

    Applications for admission to Meadow Green Primary School, other than at start of Reception or to  transfer your child from a different school, parents should at the earliest opportunity either enquire about spaces within the relevant year groups  at schools in the local area or contact the Local Authority School Admissions and Transfers Section . Where there are no spaces currently available, a waiting list is maintained by Worcestershire School Admissions team. Please be aware that a school waiting list is an active document. As parents request for their children to be included on the list the position of an individual child already on the list can change. A waiting list does not give priority based simply on the date an application was added to the list.


    How do you apply?


    Children resident in Worcestershire can apply online:

    • You will need an email address
    • You will be sent an email to acknowledge receipt of your submitted
    • If you do not have access to the internet, you can get online at any Worcestershire library.

     Applications from Out of Catchment

    For all children who are non resident in Worcestershire, admissions should be requested through their home local authority

    Solihull Borough Council: 0121 704 6693

    Birmingham City Council: 0121 675 0555

    Warwickshire County Council: 0192 674 2037

    Admission arrangements for Nursery places is managed by Meadow Green Primary School. Please note an offer and acceptance of a place in our school Nursery does not guarantee an offer from the local authority for admission into Reception Class for the following September.
