Our school day runs from registration at 8.40am through to hometime at 3.10pm. We also offer Breakfast Club from 8.00am, and After School Club until 5:45pm. Key Stage 1 and 2 children enter and leave the school via the main gate on School Drive. Nursery and Reception children enter the school grounds via the gate on Meadow Road. Total school time in a typical week is 32.5 hours.
Arrival at the start of the school day
The school gates open at 8.30am, so that children can be dropped off and enter their classrooms from 8.35am, when the first bell sounds. All children should be in their classrooms by 8.40am for registration. Lessons start at 8.50am.
Late arrival
The school gate is closed at 8.40am; children arriving after this time should be brought to reception, so that their presence and lunch preference can be recorded by the office. Arrival by 9.10am is coded as ‘Late before registers close’. Arrival after 9.10am (i.e. over 30 minutes after registration), is ‘Late after registers close’, which is an unauthorised absence.
Collection at the end of the school day
The school day ends at 3.10pm, when parents collect children from the playground (Years 1 - 6), or from outside their classrooms (Nursery and Reception). The school gate is closed at or soon after 3.20pm, when any children who have not been collected will be brought inside to wait at the school office.
Late collection
We fully understand that it may occasionally be difficult to ensure that children are picked up on time. Parents should call the office promptly when this is the case, so that we can make arrangements with families, in their children’s best interests. Children not collected by 3.30pm will be looked after in After School Club, and an ad hoc charge of £8.80 will ensue.
Procedures when there is no notification
If the office has not been notified, and a child is not collected by 3.20pm, the procedures are as follows:
Frequent late pick-ups
We cannot promise safe supervision for children after the end of the school day, so we provide an After School Club to care for them appropriately if parents cannot collect them by 3.20pm. We cannot look after children beyond the school day on a regular basis, unless they are placed in the After School Club.