Internet safety is a vital part of our school curriculum. We promote internet safety in assemblies and events like the UK Safer Internet Day, class discussions eg based on current affairs, in our PSHE curriculum and via our Computing curriculum.
We are always careful to promote the benefits of the modern digital world at the same time as promoting safety advice to the children. We focus on helping them acquiring and developing the skills and knowledge that they need to help keep themselves safe, in the digital world in the same way as the physical world.
There is a lot of information about Online Safety/E-Safety. We have included some information below to try to help you sift through it. They key is to look for organisations offering quality advice. The NSPCC is particularly good at offering advice about how to start discussions with children about internet safety. Some of the best are:
Parent Info - from Parent Zone and CEOP
UK Safer Internet Centre
and the Safer Schools app
Links to each of these is included below and there is a separate section for how to get access to the FREE Safer Schools app. Signing up for this - both parents/carers and children is the quickest and easiest way to keep up with online safety advice so we recommend it.
Parent Info A joint site from Parent Zone and CEOP
The NOS have produced 'What Parents Need to Know About' guides for a wide range of online platforms , social media, streaming platforms and gaming.
Click on the titles below to access the relevant guides:
CEOP's advice for under 5s and the internetA really positive article about the benefits of technology for the under 5s, but also including some useful ideas about safety
ThinkUKnow Site linked to CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command - part of the National Crime Agency) - online safety advice aimed at childen of different ages and including games to play
CEOP sites link This link takes you to sites for different ages of children and for parents and carers