Welcome to Meadow Green Primary School... Coming Soon: Children's Mental Health Week; NSPCC Number Day; Maths workshops for parents; Spring term school trips and residential visits!
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Meadow Green PrimaryA Hive of Industry & Learning

Welcome toMeadow Green PrimaryA Hive of Industry & Learning




Curriculum Intent ‘Empowering Deep Learning in a Purposeful Context’.


At Meadow Green we follow a thematic and engaging curriculum to deliver, not only the statutory National Curriculum with regards to the majority of foundation subjects, but also our own School Curriculum. Each theme takes a main subject to drive the learning forward. We believe that choosing the right context to engage our children in their learning is vital in developing critical thinkers, problem solvers and fostering a love of learning whilst also maintaining our high standards.



An effective enquiry based approach involves the careful framing of questions, problems or scenarios, (along with clearly identifying the key skills and concepts to be taught) to enable progression through the learning sequence.  Enquiry based learning creates classroom environments where independence, thinking skills, collaboration and active learning are developed, at the same time as knowledge is acquired. Through explicitly identifying key skills and concepts as milestones in medium term plans and sharing these with the children, there is greater ownership and potential for children to become immersed in acquiring and deepening their knowledge



At Meadow Green we recognise that technology has become an integral part of everyday life. Through teaching Computing, we equip the children with the skills and understanding needed to participate in an ever-changing digital world, where their future careers and leisure activities are increasingly transformed by technology. It is our intention to enable children to use technology to find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information. We aim to expose our children with a wide range of activities which allow them to become confident, creative and independent learners; solving problems and becoming competent ‘Computational Thinkers’ so that they leave school computer literate. It is our intention to equip children with the strategies they need to become resilient to the online challenges they might face, educating our pupils to deal with situations that may occur online within a safe supporting environment. Our Online safety curriculum is designed to teach children how to be good digital citizens, recognising appropriate and inappropriate online actions.



Computing is delivered across the whole school and all pupils have the opportunity to use different devices to develop their computing knowledge and skills. In Early Years computing is delivered through exploration and play. In KS1 and KS2 computing is delivered by class teachers. 


By the time pupils leave primary school we aim to develop pupils who:

  • Are responsible, confident and creative users of technology, who apply computational thinking beyond the Computing curriculum.
  • Become digitally literate and are active participants in a digital world.
  • Know how to stay safe whilst using technology and on the internet, minimising risk to themselves and others.
  • Understand and follow agreed E-Safety rules, and know who to contact if they have concerns, including the use of report buttons.
  • Have repeated practical experience writing computer programs in order to solve problems, including logic & algorithms.
  • Ask and answer questions through collection, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information.
  • Understand how digital networks work & the services they provide.
  • Use search options effectively; understanding the need to evaluate the relevance of content.

