At Meadow Green Primary School, we actively promote school sport by helping every child develop their sporting skills and talents both inside and outside of school. Children are encouraged to undertake a range of sports and activities as a part of a healthy lifestyle and this is strongly supported by our parents.
We involve children in inter-house competitions (Level 1) and look for opportunities to enable as many children as possible to represent their school in inter-school (Level 2) championships and competitions. We have cross border associations with Birmingham Primary sports partnership, as well as within our immediate district. Due to exposure at these range of inter-school events many pupils have been signposted to sports clubs to continue their development.
Many of our children have represented Bromsgrove and Redditch in inter-area competitions and in the Worcester County Games (Level 3)
Sports News 2021- 2022
Cross Country:
Year 5 and 6 are taking part in the Redditch and District Cross Country competition at Birchensale school on Friday 26th November we eagerly await the results.
The Year 6 football team, coached by Mr Fry, are attending an Open Football Tournament on Tuesday 23rd November.