The Pupil Premium Grant is allocated to schools to fund provision for disadvantaged pupils, to ensure they benefit from the same opportunities as other pupils. Those who qualify for free school meals (FSM) or who have received FSM in the last six years are eligible for pupil premium. In addition, the needs of other vulnerable children, such as those who have a social worker or who are young carers, may also be taken into consideration. From the academic year 2021 to 2022, schools were in receipt of an additional Recovery Premium grant, to provide for additional needs resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. Schools are responsible for the allocation of both amounts, and this spending is carefully managed to provide for the needs of all eligible children.
The strategic use of pupil premium will support us in achieving our aim of helping everyone achieve to their full potential. We do this by:
How we evaluate our Pupil Premium Strategy: Measuring the impact of spending
Pupil Progress
Data is collected on the progress of all students each term. This data is analysed by class teachers, phase leaders and the senior leadership team to identify the progress of whole cohorts, classes, key groups of students and individuals. In Pupil Progress meetings, we use this data to identify students (including those eligible for pupil premium) who are not attaining age-related expectations or who are making slow progress from their starting points; this enables the early identification of need, support and appropriate intervention.
Each term, the school will evaluate the impact of actions taken, by looking at the data and will review the current provision for Pupil Premium and other groups of children.
Other Information
In addition to progress data for Reading, writing and maths, other information maybe taken into account in planning and in reviewing the impact of Pupil Premium spend. This includes attendance figures, behaviour logs and information about children’s well-being, which may be shared by members of staff, including class teachers and teaching assistants.
Annual Evaluation
The overall impact of the Pupil Premium Strategy is evaluated annually, taking into account this wide range of information; future decisions about spending will be based upon the outcomes of this evaluation, which guides us in considering what is working well and what we will change or introduce.
The designated staff member for Pupil Premium is Ms Lucy Nocher, Deputy Headteacher.
Our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement for 2023-24 Statement is published below.