Welcome to Meadow Green Primary School... Have a look at our new behaviour policy and find out about the Meadow Green Bees... Coming Soon: Meetings for Parents with new class teachers; Phase Trips and Sports Afternoons; Transition 'class swaps' for children; Year 6 Performance, Residential trip and Leavers events!
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Meadow Green PrimaryA Hive of Industry & Learning

Welcome toMeadow Green PrimaryA Hive of Industry & Learning

Opening Times

Opening Times

Meadow Green Primary School offers extended provision before and after the normal school day

 from 8:00 am for Breakfast Club through to 5:45 pm for After School Club.


Year 5 and 6 children:

The official school day starts at 8:35am. Children enter the school grounds  from 8:30am. Registration is at 8:40am and the first lesson begins at 8:45am.


Year 3 and 4 children: 

The official school day starts at 8:40am. Children enter the school grounds via the main gate on School Drive. Registration is at 8:45am and the first lesson begins at 8:50am.


Year 1 and 2 children: 

The official school day starts at 8:35am. Children enter the school grounds via the main gate on School Drive. Registration is at 8:40am and the first lesson begins at 8:45am.


Early Years:

The Reception children enter the school grounds via the gate on Meadow Road and the door will be open at 8:35am.

The Nursery children enter the school grounds via the gate on the corner of Meadow Road and School Drive at 8:am.

Registration for both Nursery and Reception is at 8:40am.


The school day ends at:

  •   3:10 pm for Nursery and Reception Classes
  •   3:10 pm for Year 1, 2, 5 and 6.
  •   3:15 pm for Year 3 and 4


The School Day (Total time in a typical week)


All phases of the school account for 32.5hours per week



