Welcome to Meadow Green Primary School...Open days for Nursery and Reception intake September 2025, are on Weds16th October, Tues 3rd December and Weds 8th January.
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Meadow Green PrimaryA Hive of Industry & Learning

Welcome toMeadow Green PrimaryA Hive of Industry & Learning


'A Hive of Industry and Learning -

where we all work together so that everyone can

thrive and reach their potential.'

Our purpose is to provide a happy, safe environment in which all children have the opportunity to thrive and develop intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically to their full potential. 


Our school aims are:

  • To provide a happy and enjoyable atmosphere for learning
  • To help pupils develop lively and enquiring minds and apply themselves to tasks and physical skills
  • To develop pupils capacity to become life-long learners
  • To help pupils acquire knowledge and skills relevant to adult life; economy and employment in a fast changing world
  • To develop spiritual awareness and instil respect for religions and ways of life
  • To help pupils understand the world in which they live and the interdependence of individuals, communities and nations
  • To help pupils appreciate each  others achievements and to develop personal aspirations for their future
  • To develop in pupils a sense of self respect, the capacity to live as independent self-motivated adults and the ability function ascontributing members of cooperative groups
  • To ensure all our pupils develop a healthy and safe lifestyle. 



At Meadow Green we promote a set of positive values and attitudes that contribute to a shared ethos towards life and learning. 

We believe that children will become effective, lifelong learners if they possess the skills that will help them have a growth mindset and an ability to keep going even if they find things difficult.

As a school we believe that by developing these 6R skills the children will become more effective, life-long learners who understand why they learn and have a desire to continue to learn.



Our behaviour policy has been fully reviewed and re-designed for the6 bees year commencing September 2023, with an enhanced focus on relationships and the other 6Rs values, in order to fulfill our commitment to enabling children to be the best they can 'bee'. 

We believe relationships amongst all members of our school community

central to children’s behaviours, well-being and mental health; therefore building positive relationships is a central feature of our aims and values.

All children are aware of our '6 Bees' and we encourage them to follow

these in order to behave positively, but also to reflect on them if they have

made a poor choice, which has resulted in negative behaviour.


Our 'Bees' help us to be a happy and healthy hive!

